Public Comment Guidelines
Speakers wishing to address the Stoneville Town Council shall sign the speakers list prior to the meeting and include their name, address and item to be discussed.
- The Council does hereby establish a time period of thirty (30) minutes for an open forum after New Business is completed during its regular monthly meeting to hear citizen concerns. This time limit may be extended if Council deems it prudent to do so.
- Each speaker will be limited to 3 minutes per meeting.
- When multiple speakers are speaking on the same topic, they may yield their minutes to a spokesperson.
- If an organization is represented, one person shall be the spokesperson for said organization.
- Comments are to be directed to the Council as a whole. If you wish to address the Town Attorney, Town Administrator, or other staff member, permission must be acknowledged by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem.
- Citizens are expected to be civil in their language and presentation.
- Speakers from the floor may address agenda or non-agenda items, provided that the item is not already on the agenda for Public Hearing.
- Speakers must be recognized by the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem, with only one person speaking at a time.
- The Council reserves the right to ask questions of the speaker for clarification.
- Any speaker who was not heard because of the time limitations will be placed first on the list for the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
- In lieu of speaking, a citizen may distribute literature or exhibits to Council for their review.
- After a citizen has made their presentation or comments, they shall be seated with no further debate, dialogue or comment.
The Council listens to your comments but is not required to take a vote on items brought before them during the Public Comment period. Before the Council takes a vote on an issue, the issue should be on the scheduled agenda.